New Voyage Nature Retreats™

Designed for those who...

launch next transition masterfully
  • Find themselves pondering “How will I make my remaining years the most meaningful?”
  • Have been very successful in their careers – but somehow are not fulfilled and want to be.
  • Feel burned out; but the thought of “hanging it up” is scary and are thinking “What will I DO?”
  • Are ready to “retire from retirement” – seek renewed purpose.
  • Feel called to do something much more in life – but struggle with “what?”
  • Really want to make a significant difference in this life – and are asking themselves “how?”

Experiences that will move and change you, if you are willing...

  • Small group nature retreats – 3 – 4 days each
  • Participants selected by application and interview process to assemble small groups with compatible needs and preferences
  • Content and format tailored to the needs and preferences of each group
  • Immersion in and communion with nature, followed by gently facilitated reflection and conversations to capture insights and personal learnings
  • Connection with others who are like-minded
  • Connection or re-connection with the best parts of you
  • Learning from a variety of sources . . .
  • Within you (from friendships, mentorships, life experiences; and from others as expressed in art, music, writings, actions and/or being that have inspired you)
  • External to you (from other species observed in nature, retreat participants, guides and their accumulated sources of inspiration, wisdom, metaphor, and practices)
  • Safe, supportive guidance and facilitation from experienced, highly credentialed retreat guides
  • Personalized break-through experiences that will move you closer to what you are seeking

Tools to help you embark masterfully

  • The setting – nature
  • New Voyage-experienced guides to help you chart your course – and equip you for your journey
  • Experiences that will live in your memory and help guide you at future junctures
  • Individual consultations by skilled and highly credentialed professionals

Interested in New Voyage Nature Retreats™?

Callemail, or  send us a message using the form in the footer for more information.